Friday, January 28, 2005

im resting at home now...while the others are listening to boring stuff about note-taking.

yesterday was very...eventful.lots of stuff happened.somehow this week lots of stuff happened.oh well.what fun. stayed back to help out in the sec one's campfire.can say that is wasnt too bad, thou could be improved much more.the sec ones are much more mature that what we were in sec one.serious. u should watch how they dance.phwoar. haha.ok. fun la.for the cheering part.that's about it.and their items. 1/5 did a class! gogogo. gonna lose my voice.that's why im resting today.tmr there's cip.dont wanna miss that out.if not have to go for class.blah.

oh agnes lost her phone.called n stupid freaking bastard picked it up.tried to use a tamil accent to trick so worked.wth.he was like 'call me busy now' -line cut-. oh fk u. why are there so many bastards around.and apparently he was in woodlands.tell me.from our skl,lets give the cab driver 5 min to pick another 15 min time, would u even be in woodlands. hur?! if he's not a bastard, tell me who is. the normal reaction of a GOOD CITIZEN would be to hand the hp over to the cab driver.and NOT TAKE IT.urgh.gawd.

just saw the con camp photos.yeah im slow. =p i so love candid photos.wth.

oh my.beybey called my hse n hp.sigh.gotta go doc.blahhh.


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