Tuesday, January 11, 2005

today was crap.seriously crap. urgh blogger.its in freaking chinese.haha. shall try not to be vulgar. pardon my words if i do.

"you are all so adroable, and cute and responsive..."
-ms aileen tan on 4/8 my class. whoohoo.

that was sweet.coming out from a teacher's mouth. but then again. its the truth. heh. we oh so rock!! come on 4/8 we can do it.give them distinctions!

ok.crappy part comes. prefect's training. it was actually alrite,given the fact that i had no buddy to crap to...sigh. glo had something on.claire,jillian.mabel had pfa council mtg. char came late.hui was busy with prefects council.haha.sat with my group.boombastic.haha.we rock. had to do punishment cos i didnt cut my nails.im really sorry people.but we had fun eh. den came the q&a session. urgh crap. skl rules are crap. crappy crappy crap. some didnt even make sense.oh well.

trained for eh.5 min? sorry becks.i think its my mood swings.sigh. was feeling really down.like something bad happened.but i have no idea what it is.sigh. physical was cool.althou my arm had like sharp pains.i'll alrite now.i think. runs tml.2 rounds.lalala.lets continue getting 12 min and below.

tennis tourn is in 2 weeks.i cant stand it.i am not ready.im really not ready.im not physcially and metally prepared.i dont have the stamina.if we are going against some of the best skls...my mind can just give up.being in the team is alrite.trying to get into the semis is the stressful part.i really really want to lead the team with pat into the semis.wishful thinking some might say. i dunno. but i really really want to.REALLY. we have the capablilty.i just know it.let it be my earnest and longing wish from u lord.pls.that we can get into the semis. Mingquan once said,"putting in ur best may not be enough.i want you to put in more than you can ever give in each and every match you play."

i should really stop sighing.sigh...


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