Monday, January 31, 2005

hmm. my legs are tiredd.super tired.went around the whole of tm and century looking for hui's prefect present.haha.found something.sharin with glad n joce.oh well.issac got his own present. walk walk walk.tiring.i dun really like shopping. =D walkin around no.its so hard to find the perfect gift.blahh.

today...i forgot to bring my nametag.urgh.had to BUY and wear the big ugly suan like dunno how many dunno how many people.urgh.i am not spared.=P got lots of hmk to do...yup.shall do it later.heh.procrastinate.

tmr's match is against CHIJ-TP.sigh.hope we can win and give hui and nice and wonderful birthday gift.a skl won.heh.everyone's having their tournaments now.oh well good luck people.

i wanna win. xD to savour the victory.materialistic? who isnt.


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