Saturday, June 11, 2005

i've got a stiff neck.hah.i think i slept wrongly.oh well. sheri's party was fun.and worth it.thou the alcohol wasnt alot.gah. was watching some chinese variety show.saw some slick moves.i was like whaooo.they dance so well.omg.haha.i turning more preparation for chi orals.talking about that.not sure when the actual date is.hah. i miss ranting on school.technically,i miss four years,well almost four years had been somewhat a smooth sailing.yes,there were ups and downs and all,but it was smooth.-nods.

sec one,
haha.still rmb the days when our class had so much conflict and all.screamings and cryings.but we still got over them eh.1/7.the class,teachers hate and like.its like a distant memory.from p6 to sec one.huge foes.i dunno why.haha.rmb freevote? the trend of the past. also almost resulted in a break in friendship.luckily its past. recalling back,it was kinda stupid.going online everyday to vote for quah was super strict.i guess we were the last batch to have a taste of his dominance.the sji camp and trainings after that was still vivid in my mind.the unreasonable tortures or so it was actually mould us into better could say we were lucky to have experienced it.i rmb the weekly meetings dom and jiating held.ahh.hell.never too glad to have an excuse to run away.

sec two,
hmm.the conflicts and all still stayed.cant expect a complete change can you.jealousy presides rumors the blackmails.imagine it.sec two.haha.oh well.rmb the test-tube project?lol...oh well.friendships grew strongher.superficality yeah.but dig said he relaxed.from previous years.judging by the punishments and physicals i highly doubt it.the comando pushups.huR.the stabalizers.ten rounds the field in 13 min.are just some i cant forget.but agreed.sji camp was much slack that year.i rmb i was food ic.the responsibility was unbearable.think managing food for the whole camp for 5'll get white hair! but i didnt.hah.had tons of scolding thou.oh! i nose bled like fuck.haha.sorry.but didnt stop.he even had to personally pinch my nose.and it STILL didnt stop.gah. it was like blood flowing/dripping all over the was dinner time.i guess people got to grossed out to eat.=p.ah well.streaming into an eight class.

sec three,
oh the glorious days spent.haha.started out as a damn geek class.i was like eh.why im here and all.but it turned out for the better i to know my clique.and strengthen friendships between my friends.all i rmb of sec three was life sort of revolved around it at that time.beginning of the year.some crap shit misunderstanding caused a drift.i've put it away.i hope you do to.rollarcoaster ride this year.damn freaking emotional.rahh.uppp den downn.den up den down.thought i couldnt take least he's resting now.i think because of this we grew stronger as a team? i dunno.took over to head the team.with pat as my vice.=) sji camp was better i think.with the bballers.ran it hand in hand with agnes.yup.

sec four,
not exactly a year but close to.half a year had passed.more acadamic based year.not much of tennis.just the tournaments.haha.great year i must say.we hadnt been winning more than 2 schools since dunno when.but we broke record.haha.sounds so grand.but the real record will be broken if we got into the semis and our seniors wayyy before us.i just hope he's proud of more sji camp i think.the whole management has more team more personal more NOTHING.and i dont feel comfortable.i dunno.i just have this feeling that its changing.and i cant do anything about it.i pray for a sign that he guide.he has been guiding all this while.and im grateful.

as you can sec life revolves around tennis tennis has became part of my life.and when i leave this school.i wont miss anything but tennis.not as a cca.but tennis as a family. what else is there to miss about sac anywayy.oh i realised something.for all sji camps my group came in first.haha.something to gloat about.insignificant to many,special to me.

--message to you you.haha.special parrot.see the first! and only i think. ilu.<3


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