Monday, June 06, 2005

taman negara.haha.i'll try to sum it up in simple words.

day one. 31/05-1/06
bloody tired.
sleeper train.urgh.
sampan ride.3 hours.
butt numb.
mini waterfall.woots

day two. 2/6
hike up.9 km.
canopy walk. im afraid of heights.
stung by bee. toot the bee.

orang asli shit.not literally.
rapid shooting! more like splashing water.anyhow.
night afraid of dark.

day three. 3/6
leave taman resort.
stay at plantation resort.
free time.even nicer.

day four. 4/6
plantation study.
plantation contract.inside joke.
free time.sleep time.
leave plantation resort.
stay at transit hotel.blahh.
settlement study.

day five. 5/6
didnt sleep from day 4.
train ride home.
reached at ten plus. trip.haha.ask me more if u wanna know. pics will be up....soon.CLAIRE!haha.nahh.
most gossips are heard during camp.i realised.hah.went jogging.whao.lost stamina.diee. oh and i overcame my fears.haha. praise me.nahh.


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