Saturday, May 21, 2005

results back.rah.bad.real bad.sigh.chi o's coming.not prepared.i guess...distraction plays a,com,etc.yeah.gotta burn oil again.i hate throat's itchy.haha.coughing is irriataing.oh well.better than fever i guess.tmr there's this church thing.dont wanna go.waste sorry.i rather study chi.and go for the normal mass.

sometimes people take things for granted.
sometimes they ponder too much on the wrong stuff.
sometimes they do wonderful things that make u smile.
sometimes they just break the smile.
sometimes they want to say something but nothing comes out.
sometimes they say too much.
sometimes they do a cautious act.
sometimes they do a rash act.
this is life.isnt it.

8 days to chi o's.
9 days to taman.
15 days to...

i dont like these numbers.cept for the taman one.haha.=P


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