Tuesday, June 28, 2005

school's back.stressful.but its like the usual.some changes made.timetable changed.urm.
bio and phys teacher changed. mrs boo is damn funny.haha.phys is fun. rah. haha.some wont agree.
yup.hmk's piling up.haha.i had fun doing hmk.but its like.i dunno.i feel weird.like mug so hard just for o'lvl.den get into a jc.and mug hard again for a'lvl. go uni (if i ever la) den mug for degree.den blah blah.continue the cycle of learning.non stop.rah.life.when is the ultimate goal? i dont think there's even any. people are continuously trying to be the best.even if at a time they are,someone will eventally top them.then they will try to top that person.never ending.forever moving.
i think this is not making sense.oh well.take it that stress was getting to me.

//take care.rest well alright? so that thurs you'll be ok. =) i know you will.
//thanks ben. 6 pts.haha.no way.
joyful joyful we adore thee...god of glory lord of love...haha. coughs.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

dkglbnkldsgmbklvmpoaudgidjbkl!!! urgh. been trying to finish up my holiday hmk.rah.almost done.almost.haha.afew missing questions here and there that i have no idea how to do.yup.almost done. know what. my mom's like stressed out for me.WTH.im like not stressed out..yet.and she is.damn irritating.rah.

oh well.school's tmr.i dunno.dont have really any strong feelings like "I DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO SKL" that sort.just.alrite back to school.again.hah. o'lvls around the corner.get excited.im sure not.

//school's actually alright.not as bad as you think.just take things as they come alrite?=) talk to me anytime.
//the serves that apparently help us win eh.yeah.tc then.
//huR.im fine now.thanks for your concern.haha.who writes mushy stuff on their blogs i wonder.

Friday, June 24, 2005

my body's aching.urgh.yesterday my elbow had this numbing pain.dont think its tennis elbow.cos.its on my right arm.hah.painful.my mom massage.ouch.

went to the dental today.stupid dentist.tighten until one of the brackets came out.fcuking pain.couldnt eat properly.toot him.dont go to still road dental clinic.they extort your money!!! haha.nah.kiddin.

im like experiencing pain the whole day.urgh. i wanna watch war of the worlds. heh

Thursday, June 23, 2005

today was fun.haha.let me start from the beginning. pat was LATE.huR.like late late.waited for her in the canteen.didnt go down yet.then had training.usual doubles pairing groups.we won all.yay.haha.-smirks okok.eh.then....we found out they lost 66 balls.punishment.sec ones are in a sorry state.cept for few.ah well.becks bday celebration.cake smeared.RAH. oh wait. imagine this.

hey pat take pic of me k.
eh ok. *fumbles around the cam
ay wait.wait for them to cross first.
*students crosses
take your time k.
*hui n becks came from behind
yay.we got pat.

haha.that was fun.then changed into clean clothes.went to tm for lunch.
my day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

borrowed a book.engrossed in it now. =)

i hope he didnt teach much in tution.rah.oh ya.going training tmr.hope everything works out right.yeah becks? =p kinda tired now.ciao.

Monday, June 20, 2005


My mother used to ask me: "What is the most important part of the body?" Through the years I would take a guess at what I thought was the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, "My ears, Mom." She said, "No. Many people are deaf. But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon." Several years passed before she asked me again. Since making my first attempt, I had contemplated the correct answer. So this time I told her, "Mom, sight is very important to everybody, so it must be our eyes. She looked at me and told me, "You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind." Stumped again, I continued my quest for knowledge. Over the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was, "No, but you are getting smarter every year, my child." Then last year, my grandpa died. Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying. Even my father cried. I remember that especially because it was only the second time I saw him cry. My Mom looked at me when it was our turn to say our final good-bye to Grandpa. She asked me, "Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?" I was shocked when she asked me this now. I always thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the confusion on my face and told me, "This question is very important. It shows that you have really lived in your life. For every body part gave me in the past, I have told you were wrong and have given you an example why. But today is the day you need to learn this important lesson." She looked down at me as only a mother can. I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said. "My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder." I asked, "Is it because it holds up my head?" She replied, "No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends that you will always have a shoulder to cry on when you need it." Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish one. It is sympathetic to the pain of others. People will forget what you said. . . People will forget what you did. . . But people will NEVER forget how you made them feel. True or not, the story makes you stop and think. Be blessed. Be a blessing. Get your shoulder ready . . . and share this message to everybody you know. They also need to know.

going for training tmr. =)

Saturday, June 18, 2005

feeling drained.heh.been engrossed in a book whole day.from last night.just finished it.police thriller. hard landing. nice book.undercover cop and all.makes me wonder if people can know everyone else's true identities.impossible eh. did little work today.feeling under accomplished. rahh.

--u'll get your moolah.guranteed.22 bucks eh.haha.

--girl ah. m&ms are wayyy better.huR.what smarties.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

i want 50 cents!

haha.ben.go invest in a better pair of specs.did 3 SS essays in a row.solid.heh.beginning to get excited over amaths.like i can do this!yay.haha.cos yest tried a qns from a friend's book.dang.couldnt do at all.and it was supposedly easy.oh well.

--girl come online! i wanna talk to you.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

was reading my old blog.revivalsoul.yeah.read till the page couldnt upload.i guess it kinda got lost in the web.ive changed.and i miss sec three life.its like the year of exposure for me.the stuff i get to do and experience.shant go on.dont feel like it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

"ask us the sex question again."
*shows ten fingers. "ten."

haha.lmao.its a nice movie.on a nice day.haha.14th.=) go watch if you hadnt.and i got a green hairband! courtsey of someone.thanks.haha.kinda broke my other one at the party.oops.

i love today. <3

//sorry girl...cant accompany you for the chalet.cos my mom allow only one more day..heh.really sorry.

Monday, June 13, 2005

rah.im done with the template.haha.dont bother praising me.i ripped it off. but its so nice...orangey and tennisy and all.haha.betcha denise will like it.cos its orange.haha.did loads of hmk today.i feel accomplished.hah.emaths,amaths,ss.i've done my geo hmk already.minus the caj.i feel nerd too.haha. i miss tennis.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

i've got a stiff neck.hah.i think i slept wrongly.oh well. sheri's party was fun.and worth it.thou the alcohol wasnt alot.gah. was watching some chinese variety show.saw some slick moves.i was like whaooo.they dance so well.omg.haha.i turning more cheena.haha.in preparation for chi orals.talking about that.not sure when the actual date is.hah. i miss ranting on school.technically,i miss school.sac.my four years,well almost four years had been somewhat a smooth sailing.yes,there were ups and downs and all,but it was smooth.-nods.

sec one,
haha.still rmb the days when our class had so much conflict and all.screamings and cryings.but we still got over them eh.1/7.the class,teachers hate and like.its like a distant memory.from p6 to sec one.huge jump.new friends.new foes.i dunno why.haha.rmb freevote? the trend of the past. yeah.it also almost resulted in a break in friendship.luckily its past. recalling back,it was kinda stupid.going online everyday to vote for people.HAH.tennis.mr quah was super strict.i guess we were the last batch to have a taste of his dominance.the sji camp and trainings after that was still vivid in my mind.the unreasonable tortures or so it was named.it actually mould us into better people.you could say we were lucky to have experienced it.i rmb the weekly meetings dom and jiating held.ahh.hell.never too glad to have an excuse to run away.

sec two,
hmm.the conflicts and all still stayed.cant expect a complete change can you.jealousy presides all.lol.the rumors the blackmails.imagine it.sec two.haha.oh well.rmb the test-tube project?lol...oh well.friendships grew strongher.superficality yeah.but dig deeper.tennis.seniors said he relaxed.from previous years.judging by the punishments and physicals i highly doubt it.the comando pushups.huR.the stabalizers.ten rounds the field in 13 min.are just some i cant forget.but agreed.sji camp was much slack that year.i rmb i was food ic.the responsibility was unbearable.think managing food for the whole camp for 5 days.you'll get white hair! but i didnt.hah.had tons of scolding thou.oh! i rmb.my nose bled like fuck.haha.sorry.but seriously.it didnt stop.he even had to personally pinch my nose.and it STILL didnt stop.gah. it was like blood flowing/dripping all over the sink.it was dinner time.i guess people got to grossed out to eat.=p.ah well.streaming into an eight class.

sec three,
oh the glorious days spent.haha.started out as a damn geek class.i was like eh.why im here and all.but it turned out for the better i guess.got to know my clique.and strengthen friendships between my friends.all i rmb of sec three was tennis.haha.my life sort of revolved around it at that time.beginning of the year.some crap shit misunderstanding caused a drift.i've put it away.i hope you do to.rollarcoaster ride this year.damn freaking emotional.rahh.uppp den downn.den up den down.thought i couldnt take it.at least he's resting now.i think because of this we grew stronger as a team? i dunno.took over to head the team.with pat as my vice.=) sji camp was better i think.with the bballers.ran it hand in hand with agnes.yup.

sec four,
not exactly a year but close to.half a year had passed.more acadamic based year.not much of tennis.just the tournaments.haha.great year i must say.we hadnt been winning more than 2 schools since dunno when.but we broke record.haha.sounds so grand.but the real record will be broken if we got into the semis and finals.like our seniors wayyy before us.i just hope he's proud of us.no more sji camp i think.the whole management has changed.no more team talks.no more personal touch.no more NOTHING.and i dont feel comfortable.i dunno.i just have this feeling that its changing.and i cant do anything about it.i pray for a sign that he gives.to guide.he has been guiding all this while.and im grateful.

as you can see.my sec life revolves around tennis tennis tennis.it has became part of my life.and when i leave this school.i wont miss anything but tennis.not as a cca.but tennis as a family. what else is there to miss about sac anywayy.oh i realised something.for all sji camps my group came in first.haha.something to gloat about.insignificant to many,special to me.

--message to YOU.you you you.haha.special parrot.see the first! and only i think. ilu.<3

Thursday, June 09, 2005

starting on my hmk pile.yupp. you know.i was just watching channel U.dont ask why.anywayy, this 'superstar' programme came up.apparently its suppose to choose as the title says, a star. i dunno.it seems so...blah.watching those people.singing high notes.dancing fantastically. wowing the audience.makes me wanna think where do they all come from.Hah.the hidden talents.-gasps some took the meaning of perseverance to a whole new level.agree?

we are living in a superficial world.that nothing seems to care. but i know, who stands a place in my heart.

my friends.you guys know who you are.special few...aww sigh.haha.

my family.thou sometimes it contridicts.i hate and love them.hah.shoot me.

and special parrot.haha.parrots tweet?lol. this SPECIAL parrot talks alot alot.haha.

<3 =)
fun time yesterday.woots

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

the previous entry...i dunno. not going to delete it thou.its a reminder. i dont even know why i deserve it.im not being haughty and all but seriously. i dont think i did anything THAT wrong to make you do that to me.

ah.forget it.because of that.today was a quiet day.tv,work,online. satisfied? kinda.i got a shelter over my head. damn hypocritical.thats all i can say.i want to go for the party...i really want to.i hope she allows man.

Monday, June 06, 2005

BITCH.bloody bitch.ruin my life.GO ON. see if i care. first time it hurt so much. BITCH!
taman negara.haha.i'll try to sum it up in simple words.

day one. 31/05-1/06
bloody tired.
sleeper train.urgh.
sampan ride.3 hours.
butt numb.
mini waterfall.woots

day two. 2/6
hike up.9 km.
canopy walk. im afraid of heights.
stung by bee. toot the bee.

orang asli village.cool shit.not literally.
rapid shooting! more like splashing water.anyhow.
night walk.im afraid of dark.

day three. 3/6
leave taman resort.
stay at plantation resort.
free time.even nicer.

day four. 4/6
plantation study.
plantation contract.inside joke.
free time.sleep time.
leave plantation resort.
stay at transit hotel.blahh.
settlement study.

day five. 5/6
didnt sleep from day 4.
train ride home.
reached at ten plus.

yup.my trip.haha.ask me more if u wanna know. pics will be up....soon.CLAIRE!haha.nahh.
most gossips are heard during camp.i realised.hah.went jogging.whao.lost stamina.diee. oh and i overcame my fears.haha. praise me.nahh.