Wednesday, March 02, 2005

i deleted the previous entry.did that on the spur of anger.=p im kinda tired to blog long entries.sorreh to denise.=p
happy birthday girl.ur sixteen tmr! sweet sixteen. love ya. i shall blog in points. rank them too.

1. WE FREAKING GOT IN FOR GEOQUIZ! wheee. to all those who didnt think we'll make im not free on the 18th of march.its alrite.we got in!haha.didnt disappoint ms lim.=pp

2.went for tution and i UNDERSTAND.haha.for once.amaths.

3.i think i might pass my geo std test. hey, i finished the paper k.

4.the class has selective sight.

5.going out tmr.denise!haha.

6. im screwed for eng tmr.didnt bring back the compre bk.

7. we were so high during ss tutorial. =D

8.i was late.sorryyy.=p dad didnt keep dinner for me.heh screwed for eng tmr.first period.

there's my day in ten points.


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