Saturday, February 19, 2005

solipsism (noun) technical-the theory that the only thing you can be certain about is your own existence and your own thoughts and ideas.

i think its a cool bro showed it to just summarises EVERYTHING. about life and all. like you can only know for sure who you are and what you think. u can never be sure about someone else existence nor their thoughts.tell me u can read other people's mind and i'll shut up.reading mind as in knowing what they are thinking EXACTLY.yupp.the whole theory is kinda knowing only about you.yourself and noone else.but but thats really the only thing that u can like be certain.

enough of crap. geoquiz...haha. i spent like 2 hours studying for volcanos that nv even came out.wth! oh.and we took a london cab to that cool or what. was trying to memorise the members of the new cabinet.and it didnt even come out.urgh. we had 5 min to browse throu before starting the paper. 30 qns 30 min. how nerve-wreaking.scan through..i was like fk shit.oh shit shit shit. had chris's file open infront of me.with all the topics..i skipped rivers thinking that it wasnt important. MAJORITY OF THE QNS WERE ABOUT RIVERS. i can just bang my head against the wall.sigh..its over.hope we could get to the second round.haha.we were split up as a skl in the sitting arangements.they thought that we would the second row.

went to CA for lunch.delicious.yum.clams.rushed back.changed and went for cath class.unlike some people who went to lan shop i didnt get my amaths notes. tried to sell the tix.hurmph.only mary bought.haha.go mary. phweet. wrote our letter to the archbishop.haha.self praise.i can do that. =p

kinda long entry.gtg now.


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