Tuesday, March 29, 2005

yesterday went to the dental to tighten my braces.now its hurting.dang.thought that i had tution today so rushed back.in the end,it was my bro's tution.not mine.urggh.so i have to rush back again on thurs cos mine is on thurs.didnt know.if not i could have stayed back for training.oh well.

hmk's coming in quite fast.yup.cant slackk.and tmr's wed.maths day.again.oh my week.

//yup.had fun.haha.=)

//why?jealous ar.lol.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

been away for quite awhile.fri was retardly fun.went for mass.had to stand outside the church to attend the good friday service.oh well.stood there for 2hours.haha.=p.headed to town afterwards.met up with jn,tpj,yilin and glad.walked around.then some smart fella decided to rollarblade.lol.imagine that.

so yeah.we cabbed down to ecp.blade for an hour.only glad and i blade.the rest rode their bikes.blading in jeans was weird.oh well.someone said that she could blade quite well.hoho.fell anyway.i didnt.=DD.nah.but it was fun.really.spent time with different people that day.yup.

yesterday.i thought i was late for legion.saw a whole group of sec ones congregating at the foyer.asked someone if sji arrived.well yeah.they were punctual.i was like oh shit.ran in.guess how many were there.THREE.i thought like there were a big group and both the prez and me werent around.only three.pathetic.oh well.=) went to prata shop and talked for around 2 hours plus.haha.it was nice know.just sitting there.catching up with friends.went for curia.it was REDUNDANT. nik that was REDUNDANT.haha. stayed in town for awhile.didnt know my mom was in town as well.=O. nvm.

//you two can just go shake hands.=)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

today...was a maths day.actually every wed is a maths day for me.=P suppose to have amaths test.got postponded. oh well.studied for it thou. i guess i cant slack anymore. j.loh came into class to pep talk us.ahh scary. =x

went to eastpoint to eat. bought a new hairband.GREEN.haha.i dunno.sudden facination with green and orange. went for tution after that.i UNDERSTAND WHAT HE WAS TALKIN ABOUT.WOOT.lalala.i did understand kay.blahh. im slowly getting into the mood to study.yay.like finally.since sec 2. the whole of sec 3 was crap shit.all play no hard work put in.sigh.oh well.gotta buck up on sec 3 work.

Monday, March 21, 2005

hmm.oh yeah. i freaking failed my BIO TEST. URGHHHH. fking bias teacher isnt making it any better. blahblah.i expect better results from all of you.this is the FIRST time i have a class that can fail on homones and drugs abuse. blah blah. 4/7 i can have someone with 3/20.blah blah. 4/8 your expected MSG score is 7.9. just bring it up to E8. so i guess you all will fail.blahblah. to think you all put A1s and A2s as your bio target.i could laugh.


urghhhh. people was asking why there was a plaster..hmm well.i scratched myself against some metal shelf. so yeah. =)

i gotta be used to it.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

school's starting tmr. mixture of feelings. i think this whole week my whole mind and heart was in a whirl. i can laugh and cry at the same time. sorted out my thoughts. i guess i was being...a bitch.i could only think of myself.self-centred maybe.im sorry.

know what.i guess i cant stop everything.should just let it be.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

murrr.guess what. we got EIGHTH PLACE OVERALL for geo challange. wooOOOt. beating skls like VS.hur.haha.and RI and chinese high. whEEEEEEEEEEEee. ok gloating time over. still got amaths to finish up.gahh.oh and ss.haha.

yesterday was really tiring.train up endurance.wooot.still cant believe it.know what.i was playing with marianne's finger when they said " 8th place goes to...St.Anthony's Canossian Seconday" den everyone turns.i was like "ehh.we gotta go up.haha" falalalala. it was fun thou.=)

ooh.on thurs watched robots.its a really cool movie.at first i was like uhhh.robots? but its nice.seriously. oh sigh..they are going back this sun.gahh.

yesterday was a BOO CHERYL day.huh marianne and steph? just out to suan me.boooo.haha

Thursday, March 17, 2005

caution.what im gonna type is MY OPINION. so shoo if u disagree with it.

was reading up on current affairs.so yeah.came across casino's articles. i guess many people oppose to the opening of a casino. like the religion groups are against it.that makes up like half the population or more? im not talking about catholics and christians alone. its against moral values to encourage gambling. actually the camp which is against the casino idea only has moral values to back it up.and the 'consequences' that follows.like how it will breakup a family and all that shit.

u know.people should grow up. yeah singapore is not in dire need of revenue.not cash strapped.but u have to be advancing forward in this current world.more money wont harm.right? so grow up.lol. esp in singapore.everyone wants to be top.ace.the ONE. and wont mind doing anything to get to the top.so why now making a big fuss over the casino? the government is not only building a casino.its building a entertainment park.so in tune, trying to get more revenue through tourism. many of the big citys have casinos. u may ask,so what if they have casino.singapore is doing fine right now.we dont have to build a casino. welllll,what about the future that is to come? are we still gonna be 'doing fine' being one of the better developed countries? other countries are catching up.if we dont do anything about it,we'll lose the race. as people may say, its a rat race out there.u play for yourself.

moral values.yes.they are important.like duhh.but shouldnt people have self restraint.a gambler will always be a gambler.even without the casino,family breakups,bankruptcy,etc.these stuff still happens.the gamblers would try 4d,toto,horse racing,online betting,overseas gambling(macau).so if like the casino opens.everyone would blame it on the casino? urgh. its only those hard-core gamblers that gets seriously affected. dont tell me there's an increasing number of hard-core gamblers. =p

loss of job due to excessive gambling.it only happens to a minority. unlike this. with the casino,more jobs are created.in the tourism industry.more people benefit from it. affects a small group in a negative way or affect a large majority in a positive way? i choose the latter.with the concern for the future.

not sure if i cover all points.blahh.phew.feel better now.
im tired. gah.what a long day.woke up early in the morn to send my juniors to ccab.haha.i waited for the freaking bus for like 15min? wth.so i was late.sorreh.heh.went to town for breakfast with pat at macs.hmm.talked abt stuff.girl.cheerios.i'll be here.=)

went back.did work.power sleep for 15min? haha.got up.changed and went to town. towning is alrite with my couz.richmand is quiett.seriously quiet.well i think today i was kinda anti-social too.being quiet and all.we walked from..lido to fareast.fareast to heeren.heeren to cine. my legs are sorE.

tmr's gonna be another long day.geotrail.all around singapore.how fun.=P my legs will be like...heh.oh well.i think this week passed by damn fast.shucks.just when i was starting to enjoy time spent. scanning thru recent articles.hoping it will be absorbed for tmr.gahh.

talking to my dad about communism and democracy.and socialism and metrocracy. hurhur.lol.i like these kind of conv.=) yum. hope we will get pass all the oh-so-great schools and show them what we are made up of.HRUMPH. go us.haha.im bias.shoot me.

i feel...im feeling...weirD. o_O

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

im super bored.freaking bored.Boredom consumed me.roar.

got nagged at cos i was stoning infront of the com.cant i stone in peace?! gawd. so yeah.i think my hp is gonna get confiscated.dunno how im gonna communicate with the world.i'll be tied down by an invisible string to my books. if i dont perform well in MYE that is.i really want to.but if i dont, i have to make hard sarifices which i hate. im seriously thinking that my bill is gonna soar skyhigh.dammit.and im really not gonna have a phone next month.oh how that sucks.

im BOREDDDDDD.shuen!where the hell are you.irritating.suppose to come online in half an hour time.waiting over 1 hour plus. gahh.i think im really patient. ah there.finally.haha.after like so freaking longgg.gah. haha.im patient. -nods-

i really gotta study?like now? but i cant.and that sucks.like fuck it.ahhhh.

i getting weird.due to the influence to some people. =O haha.
you will know when you know it.

today's gonna be boringgg. chi tution later.gotta put in effort.for chi.yeah. tmr's a packedd day for me.and its amaths day.gah. morning amaths tutorial in skl,visit to SOS,amaths tution,dinner at home with couz. ahhh. and so will thurs and fri. im not prepared for fri.lol.we're gonna get lost in singapore.but how can it be.its so small.oh well.equipped with road maps and all,we might not get lost in the end.

yesterday was funn.=P

Monday, March 14, 2005

i just sent an email regarding the CME project to some organisation.haha.improve my formal letter writing. =p but everyone's like busy and all..dots.we can just get zero.

my week's kinda filled.gah.

wed-amaths tutorial, training?,amaths tution, dinner with couz
thurs- towning with couz. ccab in the morning.
fri-geotrail.whole day.
sat-legion.cath class.

wed always seemed to be the most packed. notice the couz part. well my couz came from canada.so yeah.we're good hosts and bring them out for fun.haha.just us.cousins.how cool is that.=D might go pooling too. one's 20 and the other's 13. yup.

gotta study study study.u all better do that too. =P

Sunday, March 13, 2005

yesterday was a tiring day.oh man.lets see.

1.went to skl for carnival.prefects shift.sell tickets.
2.went round finding people.
3.headed to church.its so freaking hard to catch a cab outside school.there's like no vacant cab at all.had to walk all the way near the police station.
4.cath class.slack time.rest before match.
5.kallang.match started at like 7. was there at 5.45.how nerve-wercking can it be.
6.lost match. 4-6,4-6. fun thou.sigh.
7.headed to macs.ate and went back by cab.

today is a seriously retarded day to catch a cab on the road.waited for like soo long. that's my day in 7 points. was suppose to meet up with my family for jap crusine.but from kallang to bukit timah.i rather not.was too tired anyway.

kallang was so ulu too.blahh.at least i got ethel.sorry girl.made u follow me.sorry.

//sorry. there's always another time...say pesta sukan?heh.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

oh man.like finally. the week is over.im freeeee.was slappin myself to stay awake in class today.its getting to me.gotta struggle.

oh know...saw the "viking ship" wow.it so can accomadate lots of people la.sampan.its gonna be boring.sitting there doing my shift.i was kinda feeling hyped up.but after seeing the viking..it was kinda shattered.

went for training.haha.its was alrite.just that now im having a headache.gonna sleep soon.blahh. im a good cap.wheeee.or so ms tan said. bahh.thats boosted my spirits up abit.training was kinda slack,now after the nationals.talked to pat and becks.=)

//i'll be here.for u to vent ur anger, fustrations,whatever.that's why im here right?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

about the outburst in the previous post.was damn tired of everything.im becoming anti-social.nik u rubbed some on me.heh.kiddin girl.

today's a super tired day.actually every wed is a super tired day. one hour amaths in the morning.first period.second is emaths. maths maths maths. aft skl is social studies tutorial. aft ss tutorial is geotrail meeting with ms lim. after that is amaths tution at bedok. im so drained.online now slacking.gotta study for phys tmr. blahh

i should slowly let go and pass it to her.hmm.its hard.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

i think i might pass my chi std test today.its on letter writing.just some words i didnt know how to write.blah.didnt want to bring the huge chi dict to skl. oh well. im motivated to study now.cept for the bio test tmr.haha. bio bio.i love u can u give me a1s? hmm.that's what jn said.it so helps laa.

today was boring.a typical tue.but aft skl headed to siglap gelare with jn n shirs. missed that place man. last year used to go there with shirs,liane,joce. sometimes ben too eh. study study.oh yeah.missed it. =) joel came along. tried to study but the conversation was too tempting.lol.talked abt lots of stuff in the end.

took a long walk back.its kinda soothing.to think about all the stuff that has been happening.ohoh.the freaking dunno-whats-her-name person put me in ticketing.nvm that since all the prefects have to do it.i rather the foyer area. but the thing is...my slot is from 12-5. like WTF. but the confirmed list is 8-11.30.but the consent form put 12-5. urghh.THANKS AR stupid woman.

and my phone sucks.pat said she msged me thrice. oh fk it. its stupid k.i tell u honestly the lower sec is gonna be so fucking screwed up if we dont do anything about it. the best thing is we cant do anything.we cant scold them till it gets into their thick skull,we cant pep talk them.yeah.we cant.how great is that.oh wow. we used to start training at 3. its already considered late to our ex-seniors who used to start at 2.45.so now we have to start at 3.30.why?cos of tutorials.fine. DO YOU FREAKS TAKE FIFTEEN MIN TO COUNT A BUCKET OF BALLS (95)?i guess you do.know what is RUNNING AROUND THE FIELD FOR WARM-UPS? its called running.you run.not walk.

oh.and please respect us.so we will respect you.

dammit.im sorry.super fustrated and angry now.urgh.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

hoho.i passed my chi test.ben.i passed.wheee.but u know.i failed one paper of phys,bio and geo. urgh geo.i should have passed k.irritating.

had the legion celebrating thing today.i admit the thing was kinda screwed.but u have to give credit to their effort.they stayed back to practice and all. all i can say is that it could have been better. gah.

went towning afterwards.watched hitch.funny movie.nice.for destressing. everyone's saying how ahlian i am. oh pls.i am not.urgh. i dont TyPe lIdDat.CaN. and i dont wear pink.light baby pink maybe.but not pink PINK. i dont do the stuff that they do. im sorry.i know im sterotyping people. so shoot me. bottomline. im not one. so there. =pp

hmm.stuff happened during the week that i forgot.heh.due to overload of information in my brain.gahh.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

she has issues.and its getting to me. like wtf. urgh.at home.shoots her mouth off like a loose cannon.

sometimes i just have to wear a mask out.its getting tiring. its like i may not be what i seem.that's a scary thought. wearing a mask out.not letting people know. infront i may just be a happy person.carefree and all.without worries.but deep down?heh.unable to open up.unable to let people see within me. maybe i shouldnt open up at all.

i should stop wallowing in self-pity and denial. celebrated denise's bday. happy birthday girl.i love you.<3>

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

i deleted the previous entry.did that on the spur of anger.=p im kinda tired to blog long entries.sorreh to denise.=p
happy birthday girl.ur sixteen tmr! sweet sixteen. love ya. hmm..so i shall blog in points. rank them too.

1. WE FREAKING GOT IN FOR GEOQUIZ! wheee. to all those who didnt think we'll make it.URGH.lalala.so im not free on the 18th of march.its alrite.we got in!haha.didnt disappoint ms lim.=pp

2.went for tution and i UNDERSTAND.haha.for once.amaths.

3.i think i might pass my geo std test. hey, i finished the paper k.

4.the class has selective sight.

5.going out tmr.denise!haha.

6. im screwed for eng tmr.didnt bring back the compre bk.

7. we were so high during ss tutorial. =D

8.i was late.sorryyy.=p

9.my dad didnt keep dinner for me.heh

10.im screwed for eng tmr.first period.

there's my day in ten points.