Thursday, March 17, 2005

caution.what im gonna type is MY OPINION. so shoo if u disagree with it.

was reading up on current yeah.came across casino's articles. i guess many people oppose to the opening of a casino. like the religion groups are against it.that makes up like half the population or more? im not talking about catholics and christians alone. its against moral values to encourage gambling. actually the camp which is against the casino idea only has moral values to back it up.and the 'consequences' that how it will breakup a family and all that shit.

u know.people should grow up. yeah singapore is not in dire need of revenue.not cash strapped.but u have to be advancing forward in this current world.more money wont harm.right? so grow esp in singapore.everyone wants to be top.ace.the ONE. and wont mind doing anything to get to the why now making a big fuss over the casino? the government is not only building a casino.its building a entertainment in tune, trying to get more revenue through tourism. many of the big citys have casinos. u may ask,so what if they have casino.singapore is doing fine right now.we dont have to build a casino. welllll,what about the future that is to come? are we still gonna be 'doing fine' being one of the better developed countries? other countries are catching up.if we dont do anything about it,we'll lose the race. as people may say, its a rat race out there.u play for yourself.

moral values.yes.they are duhh.but shouldnt people have self restraint.a gambler will always be a gambler.even without the casino,family breakups,bankruptcy,etc.these stuff still happens.the gamblers would try 4d,toto,horse racing,online betting,overseas gambling(macau).so if like the casino opens.everyone would blame it on the casino? urgh. its only those hard-core gamblers that gets seriously affected. dont tell me there's an increasing number of hard-core gamblers. =p

loss of job due to excessive only happens to a minority. unlike this. with the casino,more jobs are the tourism industry.more people benefit from it. affects a small group in a negative way or affect a large majority in a positive way? i choose the latter.with the concern for the future.

not sure if i cover all points.blahh.phew.feel better now.


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