Sunday, December 26, 2004

26th. boxing day if im not wrong. went for was CROWDED. there were like a whole sea of people infront of me.bahh.cant see the screen.yeah u know.i short.haha.shup up yilin.haha. ahh nvm. came back.did some spring gonna have a maid. yayness! haha. so gotta clean the house up before she come so that she wont know how clustered the house mom's words. going shopping for my books tml.haha.pretty early cheryl. havent really touched my hmk pile.darn. and my week is filled yet again.

mon-book lou calls it.
tue-tennis farewell bbq. urgh.bbq again.
wed-prefects camp
thurs-prefects camp
fri-countdown. yay!
mon- skl starts. sec four!

i cant believe im sec four next year.haha.the seniors of the skl.with of course the sec fives la.haha.SENIORS.get that juniors.wahaha.i feel mean.oh well.and im gonna wear the prefects uniform! haha.oh i havent bought it yet.darn.lalala. back to skl.feels kinda good seeing all my frens.but den again.o'level looms over our minds. chi o' groups bahh. i dun really know if study groups does good for me. i've yet to find my way of studying.abit late ya. sigh. cant afford to TRY another method now do i.

im holy k. =))


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