Friday, December 31, 2004

new year eve.

its new year's eve. going my couz hse later.yeah.

imagined enlightenment in delusion.the irresistable desire to be irresistably desired.

nice eh. not mine.haha.from a fren.=)

Everytime i see your face
Everytime you look my way
it's like it all falls into place

Everytime feels alright
Ever since you walked away
It left my life in disarray
All i want is one more day with you
It's all i need
Is one more day with you

2 more days to a new year.a new beginning.a new resolution.a new phrase of life. my life-

Thursday, December 30, 2004

prefects camp.

just camp back from prefects camp. lots of people didnt turn up. not fun.haha.kiddin la. it was alrite. not too bad.

news: investiture is on next fri. its like really fast this year.

havent got the chance to buy my prefects uniform.urgh. go when skl reopens. hope training doesnt start so early.

u know, sometimes i just wonder why.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


its already 12.04 am. just came back not long ago from our tennis farewell bbq. argh. i tell juniors n seniors so rock sia.haha.idiots. pour water on me.make me drench.not only water.coke and sprite n sparkling juice n shandy. tell me smart or wad. cut cake time...they were making a huge mess out of the poor nice cake. i wanted to eat it!! darn u all. tried to cut the cake into pieces for eating but nooooo.glad just had to plunge her whole hand into it and put it on someone. cake fight started.ran around the whole swimming pool area trying not to get caught.haha.i run faster. =D and boot just had to pour ice-cold water cum sparkling juice on my back. freaking cold. clearing up was as usual dirty and messy.haha. was fun. didnt have that much fun in like 2 weeks.since the last bbq i went to.haha. i dun like bbqs but as the same time its fun.=)

prefects camp tml.yeah.i betcha it will be somewhat like tennis camp. wanna bet? dont try.i'll back in 2 days time.

Monday, December 27, 2004

BAHHHH. haha.felt like doing that. well today went tot pp for book shopping with lou.yeah.haha.and joce.called pat along.that girl only came after we purchase the books.haha.yeah.she wanted to have more people there so joce called more people.den lou left for home. and it became a so-called church gathering with poor me tagging along.haha.yay...

wanted to get a hairband.hmm.shall get one tml.before the bbq. had a bbq on sun.and almost every day during the korea trip i had bbq meat. urgh.haha. farewell. that note the end of the year.the closing of a chapter and the opening of a new and unexplored one. many stuff happened this year.shall make a train of thoughts.

beginning of skl year...national tournaments...national finals...sports day(yippee 3 golds) quah sickness...prefects stuff...legion june camp...pesta birthday...cramming...obs...EOY...SJI tennis camp.

these are just the major stuff. oh well. looking forward into the future of unknown.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

26th. boxing day if im not wrong. went for was CROWDED. there were like a whole sea of people infront of me.bahh.cant see the screen.yeah u know.i short.haha.shup up yilin.haha. ahh nvm. came back.did some spring gonna have a maid. yayness! haha. so gotta clean the house up before she come so that she wont know how clustered the house mom's words. going shopping for my books tml.haha.pretty early cheryl. havent really touched my hmk pile.darn. and my week is filled yet again.

mon-book lou calls it.
tue-tennis farewell bbq. urgh.bbq again.
wed-prefects camp
thurs-prefects camp
fri-countdown. yay!
mon- skl starts. sec four!

i cant believe im sec four next year.haha.the seniors of the skl.with of course the sec fives la.haha.SENIORS.get that juniors.wahaha.i feel mean.oh well.and im gonna wear the prefects uniform! haha.oh i havent bought it yet.darn.lalala. back to skl.feels kinda good seeing all my frens.but den again.o'level looms over our minds. chi o' groups bahh. i dun really know if study groups does good for me. i've yet to find my way of studying.abit late ya. sigh. cant afford to TRY another method now do i.

im holy k. =))

Saturday, December 25, 2004


merry christmas people. msged afew. and today my mom complained about the bill.exceeded like about $10. oops. ahh yes.its christmas.went for 8.45 mass.early an early bird.tweet. came back wrapped more presents.haha.u all will be getting belated ones.sorreh.came back on the am i suppose to give all to u on the 24th.that's crazy.haha.

christmas had a memorable one? not yet.haha.hope tonight will be.gonna go my couz hse.and see jemmo.haha. jemmo jemmo bone marrow.that rhymes.haha.

you ought to sacrifice dont let the other party be happy.well its hard.

[edit] at my couz house now. a memorable no. maybe.cos i only have one present.not that im not kay.i'm happy. but its not that memorable as i thought that it would be. oh well. girl. [edit]

Friday, December 24, 2004

korea trip

im finally back.and its christmas eve.hmm.presents are like halfway is making me broke.haha.but nvm! its about giving. the trip????? two words. NO SNOW.urgh.stupid.i wanted to see snow falling.but there wasnt.for all 7 days i was snow.splendid.oh and the tour group is filled with lil hot guys. ahaha.shut up cheryl. there were three shawns in the group.haha.and two cheryls.blahhh.

day one.
arrived tired.beat.drainined.and we HAD to take another transfer flight to some island.i hate flights.went there.took lots of pic on the first day. went to teddy bear museum.told u we were going to a museum.

day two.
the foold carrots.wth. fishy smell.yucky.oh well.forced it down like i use to in sji camp.ohoh.we went to this msyterious road.haha.coolness. from the bus, the driver off the motor and it seemed like we were going uphill without motor.but actually we were going downhill.haha.all in the eye.yupp.that was cool. 2 hours in the coach.sit till my butt numb.

day three.
4 hours coach ride.urgh.sick.the weather got cold suddenly.but its winter,so yeah.went to spa resort.couldnt was the time of the suay. headed to the ski resort.first time saw snow in korea.too bad it was artifical.but it rained in the night so the next day we got to see snow on the mountain top.

day four.
first half of the day was said that pushing urself with two poles and two planks tied to ur feet was easy right. i take back my was fun.definately.but afterawhile i got stopped.afternoon took a grandola up a mountain afraid of heights..yeah.i had no idea how i did the height elements in obs.dun ask. the temperature up there was -10 degrees.freaking cold.but the view was beautiful.really.saw snow

day five.
SHOPPIING DAYYYY.haha. fun fun. the weather report was -7 degrees.but still no snow.however the coach windows was to everland.its like a zoo cum amusement of korea teenagers. i figured that all of the girls look somewhat similar.and if i stand next to them...i'll look really because of my tan and my hairstyle. majority of them had like frindge haristyle. like straight frindge just above ur eyebrows.haha.i was laughing.haha.oops.

day six.
shopping day too.haha.sightseeing was alrite.cold the morning...went to lotteland in the evening.its an amusement park.indoors and outdoors.awasome. rollar coaster.ehh thanks.

day seven.
tired and want to go back home.haha.wish was granted at 4.45.whee. home sweet home.miss it.

that was my trip.yup. photos will be up....soon.

the pics are up. korea trip .

Thursday, December 16, 2004

argh.cant stand missing people already.haha.before i even go.blah cheryl.blah. why am i feeling like that. my first.
today's 16th. hmm. filight's in the night.blahhh.i wanna see all my frens before i go.but its impossible.going for dental later.everything's packed.hope i dont miss out anything.8 days i'll be gone.haha.miss me ya?

unexpectedly yesterday's bbq was better than i thought.haha.althou the turn out when i got there was like yar.had a great time.pity we got closer together as a class only after sec always happens like

gonna bring sweets along for the flight. its 7-8 hours.god-knows what way they are going. i thought singapore was close to korea. i thought. sigh.pray that my flight is smooth. hope to meet more people there.from the tour group la.haha.yar.oh well.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004


packing for tml.sian. i dun feel like going.ahh.fickle me. yesterday's training left me burnt.sigh.the price u pay. legion was boring today.waiting for nik for like 1.5 hours.bahh.idiot meeting.was msging people.haha.and talking crap with aud. sigh. bbq's later. did i tell u im fickle? ah yeah. that explains how good a captain im.=( play well ya.i wont be here to see the matches but i'll be in spirit??haha.rightt.

lift my spirits up pls.

Monday, December 13, 2004


woke up early in the wee hours of the morning to do housework.praise me.haha.mop mop mop.wipe wipe wipe.and it was 8.56 when i finally finished. that means i can go out! have to call my mom first thou. tried her hp many times.gave up eventually. i mean a hp is an electricial device that allows people to contact u easily wherever you are.NOOOOo.she just dont want to answer the ringing phone. fine.robbed my sis of $4 and headed down to meet the rest. yilin called to say TPJ(i like calling her cool.haha) just woke up. so took my time.heh.

u know.actually the zoo is QUITE fun.haha.a note of advise.BRING ALONG A would be nice. went a shock. a freaking $14 for entrance fee.wth.we arent going to some kind of mini concert.btw not sure if i could go for the band concert on the 29th.will see. well yar.yilin put on her charms and we got $7 entrance fee.haha.kiddin.we got student rate. -smirks- charms.haha.

took lotsa pictures. was also doing our chi project.didnt know we had one.ahhh cheryl. ok so we went around taking pic of ourselves and the project requires 10 pictures with yourself inside.and a short write-up. presume mine would go like this [in chinese] " behind me is a bear.its called the sun bear.very cute right? i can hear it roar." how do u translate roar? haha.nvm. TPJ said can make 5 carbon copies and hand it in saying that we did it together. wounderful idea.

came back early with joce.haha.funny sia.she thought her dance was at 5.but it was at 3. she was like an hour late? haha.was laughin at her. sigh..korea.sigh. she went korea so was talking about it the whole ride back. all 25 stops. tml's training in the afternoon.scorchin sun.hope it doesnt rain. hope the bballer play well tml.

joce//why?i bring u back to ur long awaited family reunion and u just ignored them.tsk tsk.

ben//continue thinking.haha.

[edit] photos are up. zoo [edit]

Sunday, December 12, 2004

tutuion.heck it.

ahaha.claire.u are freaking horny.

suppose to have amaths tution next year. but why?? cos my mom didnt want to let me go to hougang mall for it.wth.pls la.u are the one who had been bugging me to get i found out u dun let me go.WTH.

ahhh.dun's sun. lets see my week.
mon-nothing.haha. cool. oh.zoo outing.haha.ZOO.
tue-training.get everything done. shirs??outing?
wed-legion and bbq.might not go.
thurs-flying off.wheeee.

i'm proud of myself.i abstain from com the whole day yesterday.haha.

Friday, December 10, 2004

awwww.just shut up.=)) is cominggg.but still not into the christmassy mood. why?! haha.korea korea korea korea.skiiiii.whoosh.haha.cant stand it.i want to touch snow. went for training today.the sun was terrible.blah.burnt? ya.duh. leaving on thurs.need to settle the t-shirts and tourn attire before i fri we are having friendly with MJC. ahh.i wanna play!! oh damn. training today was alrite.much better than before.hmm.what else...oh! my MIA specs.i found it.yay! prayers really works.whoohoo.praise god. went to suntec with linz and jn yesterday.found this really cool shop where i can get nice pressies stop. well so bored at home im resorting to do my hmk.haha. pressies for naughty you.haha.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

oh eh team? bad news for u all.cant get the latest design at all.not enough medium we are sticking to MY choice.yup. haha. no more red and white. i think my choice is better.haha.wheee. im talking about tourn attire btw.

can i love you?

haha.heard it from somewhere.forgot where. stupid qns ya? ok wanna play x-box.ciao.

[edit] still finding my MIA specs.argh! -pulls hair- [edit]

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


u all arz. pangseh me and wei qin.hrumph. all go camp or la.den onli two of us are the onli sec 3s at training today.blexh. dun talk about training.its like so crappy.cant do much.drizzling and they dun wanna take the chance to train under the LIGHT DRIZZLE.oh well. and there's painting going around the ya.nothing much to be done at training. however. after training, that's where the fun starts.haha.went to tm with the sec 2s and wq.have to check for tourn attire.met adele there.ate and went to check.den decided that tm fila shop was too small.headed to suntec.haha.walked and walked and walked.finally found the shop.went in.had a hard time choosing.i wanted something plain but nice.but nooo...they wanted something striking like red. haha.called pat and hui was with her.'consulted them' haha.they trust my taste. haha.wheeeeeee.alrite tried the sizes and all. yup. all in all.i walked alot today.legs aching one's online.cept for still waiting for my pressie from you n you n you n you n you n you n you...


Monday, December 06, 2004


ahhh.back from town. went there to meet nik and lin.haha.suppose to play pool.apparently the three of us didnt want to open table.haha.clever.and dominic had a hard time we decided to chuck it aside first and fill my oh-so-empty stomach with gelare.what a rip-off. $9.10 for a glass of ice tea and time i know where to bring people to treat me.haha.other than coffee club.ohoh.mud-pie.lalalala.-waits patiently-
at least i went out today.haha.what a bro's frens i used it as an excuse to go out.haha.clever ol me.they are stull playing x-box...i wanna play! haha.they finished.whee.ciao people. snowboarding!!!! swoosh.

Sunday, December 05, 2004


lalala...BOB THE BUILDER has come to invade. haha. going for mass later. now im bored.still have lots of corrections to finish but no mood.argh. been hooked on this snowboarding swoosh. prepare for korea.haha.righhtttttt. one's online.blah.after camp is pretty boring. not alot of plans to be made cos of intensive trainings. but that's in the morning. afternoon is slack...

bored out my wits here.HELP.

Saturday, December 04, 2004


here im online.doing nothing.played my x-box for a chased out cos bryan wants to use it.blah. eh did i miss anybody on the links part? hope not. ok no one's using the game now.ciao.come back later when i get chased out again. haha.

Friday, December 03, 2004

first offical post

haha.yeah.was super bored at night.decided to change my blog. i used the old one for over a year.THAT long. nice template ya? but i didnt make it.haha.the photos of st.john's island camp are in my other blog.yup. christmas is coming.lalalalala.christmassy mood.